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Equinox means "equal(equi) nights (nox)". Day and night are of equal length. Light and dark are in balance. Celebrating the equinox provides us with a rhythmic opportunity to celebrate living in our physical world. It's a moment to experience the expansive, energetic reality behind the events that make up our lives. Creating rituals teaches you how to work with creative energy, and helps you experience how elemental energy becomes matter. Ritual reveals how ideas expressed can transform and become new realities, and how they can birth new ways of being in the world. This Ceremony is free and open to all, no matter their experience. We will open the "doors" at 6 PM PDT, start at 6:30 PM PDT and continue until complete. Zoom link: Room ID: 558 845 0619 Password: 654871

  • Date:09/20/2023 18:30
  • Location Room ID: 558 845 0619 Password: 654871