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Please join us as we honor the Full Moon and offer Ayni, Sacred Reciprocity, to Pachamama and tend to the land of E. S. Anderson Equestrian Camp, Tilden Regional Park, Berkeley, CA. With this Full Moon we release what is preventing us from stepping into our sovereign power and realizing our full potential. We offer to Grandmother Moon all that does not serve us or our Highest Good. This ceremony will honor the "Day Out of Time" and the Galactic New Year, both of the Mayan Calendar. a mystical place where all and nothing exists simultaneously—the culmination of the 13 Moon Calendar year originated from the Mayan “science of time”. It is Divine synchronicity that our Full Moon Despacho Ceremony is on July 25th—the exact day we enter “the day out of time” portal! Bring your prayers and intentions for this sacred time, offerings for the Despacho, music makers and songs. Also, anything you will need to be comfy at the site and perhaps some snacks to share afterward! To RSVP or ask any questions please email Greg:

  • Date:07/25/2021 11:00 - 07/25/2021 15:00
  • Location Es Anderson Equestrian Camp, Berkeley, CA, USA (Map)
  • More Info: